Index to Limelight and Then


Showing 25 of 784 entries

Fielding, John: Editor

Ivey, Donna M. - Speaker. Sailors on Kingston's shores. Limelight, December 2013.

Kingston - Summer 1958. Limelight, October 2013.

Lower Burial Ground. Established in 1783. Brief article on pg 2. Limelight, September 2010.

Macdonald's Anniversary Dinner 2010. Featuring Charlotte Gray, speaker at RMC. Limelight, February 2010.

Macdonald's Graveside Ceremony 2010. Speaker: Dr. William Glover. See also May'10. Limelight, September 2010.

Mayors, Portrait Collection at City Hall. Portraits restored, led by Marjorie Simmons. Limelight, October 2006.

RCHA Unit - "Gunners". Speaker: Mike Boese. Limelight, February 2009.

Sailors on Kingston's Shores. Speaker: Donna Ivey. Captain Irwin and his son. Limelight, December 2013.

Simmons, Marjorie - restoration of portraits. City Hall, portraits of mayors. Limelight, October 2006.

Steamboats: "Steamboats on the Lakes". Maurice Smith's book review. Limelight, January 2006.

Trumpour, Isobel: died 14 Dec 2010. KHS member deceased. Limelight, January 2011.

Vosper, George: died 24 May 2009. KHS member deceased. Limelight, September 2009.

Walking History Kingston. "Exploring Downtown Kingston", McKendry-Osborne. Limelight, September 2006.

Fisher, Meredith

Macdonald, SJA. Summer Retreat. Les Rochers QC on St. Lawrence River. 1872 - 1890. Limelight, May 2003.

Fitsell & Isobel Trumpour

Breck, Dr. Wally 1917 - 2001. KHS Award. Past President. Limelight, March 2001.

Fitsell, Bill

Anniversaries, How to Mark. Peter H. Aykroyd's principles. Limelight, October 2005.

Bank of Montreal. 1818 established in Kingston. Current building 1924. Limelight, March 2005.

Bazely, Susan retires. Outline of her work and contributions. Limelight, May 2011.

Bermingham, Cornelius John 'Spike'. Book Review. RMC grad, WW2, dock-builder. Limelight, April 2001.

Carleton Island: Fort Haldiman. Doug Pippin engaged to clear and mark remains. Limelight, December 1999.

Christmas, 1904: The Daily British Whig. Advertisements and news features. Limelight, December 2004.

Cohoe, Allan J. 1912 - 2007. 25th President 1976-77. Limelight, April 2007.

Collecting and Disbursing Books. Books, magazines, newsletters, newspaper clippings. Limelight, April 2006.

Crystal Palace and Fairgrounds: picture. 1912 byplane flying over. Limelight, September 2004.

Crystal Palace: 1856. Located west of Palace Rd - Wright Cres area. Limelight, October 2008.