Index to Limelight and Then


Showing 25 of 784 entries

Fitsell, Bill

Varley, Chris. Shipbuilding history 1917-54. Collection of pictures/calendars. Limelight, January 2005.

Whig-Standard downsizing 2014. Relations with Whig and KHS; major staff reductions. Limelight, January 2013.

Wilson, Jason & Shea, Kevin - Speakers. Stanley of Stanley Cup & SJA Macdonald. Limelight, September 2008.

Wise, Sydeny F. 1925 - 2007. Past Pres, Canadian Historical Society. Limelight, April 2007.

Women leadership in KHS. List of many women and their contributions. Limelight, March 2006.

Fitsell, Smithson

Cohoe, Margaret "Peggy": died 2002. KHS member deceased. Limelight, March 2002.

Fontaine, Olivier

Chung, Pieter: roof of Murney Tower. General commentary. .

Fosdyke, Donald

Darwin and George Romanes (Kingston). Romanes and "physiological selection". Also Oct'03. Limelight, November 2003.

Fyfe, Fitsell, O'Loughlin

McBurney Park: Skeleton Park. Upper Burial Ground, Frontenac Park, Skelton Park. Limelight, February 2002.

Genealogy Society

Irish Origins - Speaker. Prof. Wallace Breck: embellish a family history. Then, January 1992.

Gibson-Langille, Shirley

Adolphustown: Allison House 1876. Amelia Allison b 1853. Limelight, October 2002.

Armstrong Farm, Herb - Wolfe Island. Limelight, May 2011.

Artists, The Kingston Artists Workshop. Founded in 1960. List of members. Limelight, April 2006.

Barber Shop of Ernie Warmington. 373 King St. E. Friend of Dollar Bill. Limelight, September 2001.

Barnes, Mother: Witch of Plum Hollow. Predictions of thefts and even identifying a murderer. Limelight, May 2004.

Battersea: square stone office building. "The Bucket of Blood", office of Grist Mill. Limelight, April 2003.

Battersea: Ye Olde Barber Shoppe. A hardware store too.. Limelight, April 2001.

Boat that never floated: Nancy J. Capsized as soon as launched; wheelhouse too heavy. Limelight, April 2002.

Brewery, Kingston: Bejus. 308 Wellington St. since 1793. Interior a ruin. Also Apr'92. Limelight, January 2003.

Brock St. in 1963. Hall's Plumbing, Domas Gallery, Murphy's Seafood. Limelight, September 2005.

Camera Kingston. Formerly Jackson Metivier's Ladies Clothing Wear. Limelight, October 2013.

Cataraqui's Columbarium painting. Painting in a cemetery. Limelight, December 2004.

Catholic Apostolic Church. 285 Queen St evolves to Renaissance Event Venue. Limelight, March 2012.

Coast Guard Rescue Boats. Bittern described. Built 1982 in Kingston. Limelight, February 2006.

Dawn House. Created by Sisters of St. Joseph and Providence. Limelight, November 2012.