Index to Limelight and Then


Showing 25 of 1546 entries

RMC: Commandant's House

Still Standing. McKendry, Jennifer.

RMC: Currie Hall

Speaker: Jack Pike on ensignias and listings. MacLachlan, Alan. Limelight, January 2002

RMC: Memorial Arch 1923

Names of 156 cadets killed in WW1. Huish, Bob. Limelight, November 2001

Road from Kingston to Montreal

Book review: "38 Hours to Montreal" 1840.

Rockwell, Norman: pen and ink sketches

Permission granted for inclusion in THEN.. Then, October 1996

Rockwood Hospital gates

Destroyed by widening of King St, rebuilt. Then, September 1995

Rockwood Villa, John Cartwright 1842

Directory, Historical Markers: Millennium Project. Limelight, November 1999

Rodger, Clive and Engine for belt-drive

McAllister Towing & Salvage Co. (foot of Gore St.). Smithson, Gordon. Limelight, May 2004

Roll of Honour: WW1

Frontenac County Court House: A to G. Then, May 1999

Romanes, George Jr.

Charles Darwin directed his research. Father at Queen's. Osborne, Brian. Limelight, April 2009

Rotary: KHS Award 2014

Adventure in History program, recognizing Bill Egnatoff. Limelight, January 2015

Rudy, Sharon - new member gets involved

Molly Brant tribute. Graduate student at Queen's. Then, November 1994

Rudy, Sharon D. - Program

Women in Kingston: works of the rich and poor. Then, October 1993

Russell, Barry

Incoming editor: Historic Kingston. Then, May 1999

Rutherford, Dr. Kenyon - Speaker

Topic: Processing lead in Kingston. Biography. Then, May 1994

Rutherford, GeorgeKenyon(Ken) died 1996

KHS Vice-President. Accidental death. Then, September 1996

Rutherford, Ken: died 1996

A huge loss to the Murney Tower.. Then, October 1996

Ryan, Kathleen 1903-1995

Queen's Archivist. Sister of Charlotte Whitton. Ryan Hall. Then, April 1995

Sailors on Kingston's Shores

Speaker: Donna Ivey. Captain Irwin and his son. Fielding, John: Editor. Limelight, December 2013

Saint Patrick - born in England

England>Ireland>Spain>England>Ireland. Then, March 1994

Salbury, Geroge: died 1998

KHS member deceased. Then, March 1998

Salvation Army

125 years in Kingston. Limelight, April 2008

Sandhurst: Sherwood-Seymour Store

1780s, after 1791 moved to Hwy 33, destroyed 1999. Gibson-Langille, Shirley. Limelight, December 2002

Scadding Award for Excellence

Awarded to KHS: received by Pres. Frank Milledge. Then, May 1993

Scanlon, Prof Joe - Speaker

Influenza Pandemic of 1918-19. Ridley, Ron. Limelight, September 2014