Index to Historic Kingston

Subject Index

Showing 30 of 9842 entries

Western, Lt. R. N., 18: 59
Westminister Abbey, 45: 85; 50: 118
Westpoint, U.S. Army College, 25: 21
Westport, 31: 71
Wetlands, See also Marshls

Baker's Tug Line, 29: 22,23

Cameron, 28: 66

Commondore's, 28: 59

Fraser, 29: 20,21

Grand Trunk Railway, 31: 56

Gunn's, 31: 56

James Swift, 31: 102

Victualling, 26: 83

Wharfs, See also Docks specific
Wharves, 19: 4-7, 9

Carruthers & Gunn, 42: 49

, 19: 4-7, 9

Comercial, 38: 100

, 19: 4-7, 9

Folger & Hanley, 40: 64

, 19: 4-7, 9

Gunn's, 41: 92

, 19: 4-7, 9

Montreal Transportation Co., Queen St., 40: 64

, 19: 4-7, 9

Sanderson & Murray, 34: 4

, 19: 4-7, 9

Simcoe St., 39: 86

, 19: 4-7, 9

Swift & Co. coal, 40: 77

What's Bred in the Bone, 51: 42, 43
Wheat, 10: 10-11, See also Grain trade
Wheeler & Co. Sawmill, 21: 45
Wheller, E.O.
Whig Standard (Kingston), 22: 23; 24: 42
Whirlpool, 50: 39
Whitaker (Thomas) & Company, 24: 62
Whitby, 47: 9