Index to Historic Kingston

Subject Index

Showing 30 of 9842 entries

Komarno, Manitoba, 52: 109
Korean War, 54: 129
Krill, 52: 88
Laberge Family, 2: 33
Laborde Family, 2: 31
Labour Day, 17: 64
Labour Party, 32: 5
Labour relations, See also Companies, Alcan
Labrador, 53: 73
LaChine, 47: 9; 49: 85, 86
Lachine, Qué., 2: 18; 37: 44; 23: 71, 78; 25: 78
Lacrosse, 22: 7-8; 30: 4

Canadian Association, 31: 54

Ladies Journal, 50: 54
Ladies of the Benevolent Society, See also Kingston Female Benevolent Society
Lady Dorchester (ship), 3: 5
Lady Glenarchy’s Church (Edinburgh), 19 17
LaFontaine—Baldwin alliance movement, 54: 12
Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamship Company, 14: 85; 20: 37
Lake Ontario Park, 17: 65-66; 20: 106
Lake Ontario: fisheries, 38: 81-93
Lake of the Mountain, 46: 82
Lake-on-the—mountain, 2: 48; 18: 30

Arab L., 39: 7

Big Salmon, Loughborough Twp, 39: 3—10

Desert L. road, 39: 3

Echo L. railway accident 1913, 39: 33

Eel Bay, Sydenham L., 39: 7

Little Clear L., 39: 8

Long L., 38: 103