Index to Historic Kingston

Subject Index

Showing 30 of 9842 entries

Kingston Water Works Company, 19: 30; 20: 11, 38-39
Kingston Whig-Standard, 18: 73
Kingston Women's Medical School, See also Medical education of women
Kingston, 1838, 27: 28
Kingston, Archdiocese of, 9: 5
Kingston, attack on, 1838, 6: 18
Kingston, chronology, 18: 68-75
Kingston, City of

(1846—) Adjustment, Committee of, 54: 136

amalgamation & expansion, 45: 70, 71; 54: 47, 49, 126

Archeological Master Plan Study, 45: 17; 49: 27, 28, 29

architecture, 49: 97-102

Block D, 48: 95; 49: 27

Board of , 48, 46: 45, 46

City Architect, 49: 98

City Council, 46: 44, 52, 117; 47: 30, 31, 32; 49: 27; 50: 47; 54: 126, 132

coat of arms, 49: 37

Confederation Park, 47: 84

economic development, 54: 135

Harold Harvey Arena, 45: 62

history, 45: 98; 46: 125; 48: 39; 50: 6, 7; 52: 70

incorporation, 54: 82

jail, 48: 49

Marina City, 48: 95

mayor, 45: 98; 46: 97; 47: 91; 48: 34; 50: 96; 54: 49

Municipal Relief Program, 54: 70

newspaper, 54: 43

planning, 54: 136

police, 47: 47

population, 45: 24; 48: 39, 40, 41; 50: 89; 54: 120

religion, 51: 97