Index to Historic Kingston

Subject Index

Showing 30 of 9842 entries

Kingston Harbour Act, 1846, 19: 8
Kingston Harbour and approaches, 3: 3-25; 19: 3-16; 20: 39
Kingston Harbourfront Archaeological Project, 36: 93
Kingston Harbours, 46: 74; 47: 30-53, 81; 49: 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 38; 50: 50; 54: 74

Brock St., 54: 34

, 46: 74; 47: 30-53, 81; 49: 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 38; 50: 50; 54: 74

Kingston dockyard, 51: 17

, 46: 74; 47: 30-53, 81; 49: 27, 29, 32, 33, 34, 38; 50: 50; 54: 74

Market shoal, 54: 24

Kingston Health Association, 17: 68
Kingston Herald, 4: 39; 6: 20
Kingston Historical Society, 4: 32; 5: 46-48; 11: 35-46, 51; 12: 19-26; 14: 64; 17: 5-6, 97-98; 18: 7, 12; 20: 3-4, 42; 34: 121 (inside cover); 38: 71ff; 32: 82-88

and Fort Henry, 34: 41; 37: 60ff

, 4: 32; 5: 46-48; 11: 35-46, 51; 12: 19-26; 14: 64; 17: 5-6, 97-98; 18: 7, 12; 20: 3-4, 42; 34: 121 (inside cover); 38: 71ff; 32: 82-88

centennial, 1993, 42: 15

, 4: 32; 5: 46-48; 11: 35-46, 51; 12: 19-26; 14: 64; 17: 5-6, 97-98; 18: 7, 12; 20: 3-4, 42; 34: 121 (inside cover); 38: 71ff; 32: 82-88

executive, 34: 119; 35: 46; 36: 59; 37: 152; 38: 2; 39: 2

, 4: 32; 5: 46-48; 11: 35-46, 51; 12: 19-26; 14: 64; 17: 5-6, 97-98; 18: 7, 12; 20: 3-4, 42; 34: 121 (inside cover); 38: 71ff; 32: 82-88

founding 1893, 42: 84-97; 41: 112, 115

, 4: 32; 5: 46-48; 11: 35-46, 51; 12: 19-26; 14: 64; 17: 5-6, 97-98; 18: 7, 12; 20: 3-4, 42; 34: 121 (inside cover); 38: 71ff; 32: 82-88

membership list, 40: 106ff; 41: 2ff; 42: 2ff; 43: 2ff; 44: 2ff

See also Societies
Kingston Historical Society 75th Anniversary, 17: 2-4
Kingston Historical Society Constitution, 1964, 12: 40-43
Kingston Historical Society Executives

Presidents, 1893-1962, 12: 38

Council, 1893-1906, 11: 35-46



1954, 4: 48

1955, 5: 51

1956, 6: 51


1958, 8: 54

1959, 9: 64

1960, 10: 48

1961, 11: 52

1963, 12: -46

1964, 13: 96

1965, 14: 88

1966, 15: 94

1967, 16: 99

1968, 17: 101

1969, 18: 77

1970, 19: 93

1971, 20: 112-113

Kingston Historical Society Letters Patent, 1962, 12: 44-45
Kingston Historical Society Membership List, 1966, 15: 91-93

Addendum 1967, 16: 88

, 15: 91-93

1970, 19: 87-91

Kingston Historical Society Minutes

2nd meeting, Feb. 2, 1894, 2: 1894, 6, 46

3rd meeting, Mar. 2, 1894, 2: 1894, 6, 47-48

4th meeting, Apr. 6, 1894, 6: 1894, 6, 48-49

5th meeting, May 4, 1894, 6: 49

Abstracts of minutes 1893-1906, 11: 35-46

Abstracts of minutes 1906-1951, 12: 19-26

Kingston Hosiery Company, 20: 36
Kingston Hotel, 4: 38
Kingston jail, 46: 98; 50: 89, See also Kingston, City of, jail
Kingston Light, Heat and Power Company, 20: 38