Index to Historic Kingston

Subject Index

Showing 30 of 9842 entries

McDonald's Corners, 48: 73
McDonell Family, 8: 46
McEwen Family, 14: 47; 17: 35
McGill College and University, 19: 17; 20: 73
McGill Medical School, 4: 22
McGill University, 50: 117; 52: 64, 65, 66; 53: 85, 91
McGill University 41


McGill, University, 22: 64
McGuin Family, 2: 53-58
McGuinn Family, 12: 10
McGuin’s Distillery, 2: 9
McKay Family, 17: 35
McKay's Bush, See also Rockcliff Park
McKay's Castle, 24: 35
McLaughlin Family, 17: 35
McLean family, 4: 9; 8: 46-47; 42: 92; 52: 85
Mclntosh Castle, 51: 45; 26: 29
McMaster Family, 8: 45, 49
McMillan`s Quadrille Band, 22: 49
McMorine Family, 15: 22
Meagher, 22: 44-6
Meat packing, 40: 64
Mechanics Institute, See also Kingston Mechanics Institute
Mechanics' Institute, Kingston, 26: 64; 27: 17; 28: 45; 32: 62-74
Mechanics‘ Institute, 42: 49; 44: 26
Mecklenburg District, 8: 41; 19: 4, 13; 24: 60
Mecklenburgh District, 37: 130
Medical Association, Canadian, 29: 91-98,101-103
Medical Board of Upper Canada, 46: 34; 31: 3,7,14
Medical Building, 20: 10, 13